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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2019/2020 School Year

5th Mar 2020
P5 have been learning about tourist attractions in Norway. They used clay to mould...
5th Mar 2020
Last Thursday we all met at Holy Family for our first shared lesson.  We used...
5th Mar 2020
As part of our shared education project we all went to Omagh to visit the Ulster...
5th Mar 2020
The Book Fair has arrived in school! We had a great time browsing all the books...
4th Mar 2020
P5 have been exploring symmetry. They used this knowledge to draw the other half...
4th Mar 2020
For our Valentine’s Day art, P5 we’re making heart inspired stained...
4th Mar 2020
P5 have been exploring the properties of 2-D shapes.