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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2017/2018 School Year

21st May 2018
We had been revising the mathematical topic of pattern recently.  Different...
21st May 2018
To celebrate the successful Shared Education Project all the classes from the four...
18th May 2018
P4 have been working with clay to make their own pirate medallion. We discussed...
18th May 2018
The P1 boys and girls had the pleasure of filling the two flower stands which are...
15th May 2018
In P1/2 we have been very busy with numeracy. We have been ordering, recognising...
11th May 2018
In P1 we have been very busy with our potting and planting.  Lots of successful...
10th May 2018
Before Easter P4 went on a school trip to the Arctic! Watch the video they created...
10th May 2018
Our pea plants are starting to emerge from the soil!
4th May 2018
The drizzly weather didn't prevent the P1 boys and girls from going on their educational...
3rd May 2018