2018/2019 School Year
31st Oct 2018
Here we are enjoying adding percussion instruments to our assembly tune O Be Careful...
27th Oct 2018
Through PDMU, P7 have looked at the "Firework Code" to help inform us about how...
26th Oct 2018
The P1 boys and girls LOVE, LOVE, LOVE song and action, music and dance. Michelle...
26th Oct 2018
Lots of sensory experiences in P1 prior to the Halloween break. The boys and...
23rd Oct 2018
We were invited to Rainey Endowed School for a Drumming Workshop. The girls taught...
22nd Oct 2018
Lots of learning achieved and fun had during our ' Goldilocks and the Three Bears...
22nd Oct 2018
We had a great morning revising our spellings! We moved around six stations to help...
19th Oct 2018
We all enjoy playing on the scooters, trikes, spinners, go-karts and trucks.
- All
- After-school clubs
- After-school clubs-417
- Classes
- Eco Council
- Music
- Newsletter
- P1 Mrs Diamond
- P1 Mrs Stewart
- P1 Mrs Wilson
- P2 Miss Henderson
- P2 Mrs Campbell
- P2 Mrs Campbell - old
- P2/3 Miss Gibson
- P3/4 Mrs McAteer
- P4/5 Mrs Doherty
- P5/6 Miss Henry
- P6 Mrs Cousley
- P7 Mr Curry
- School Council
- Whats been happening
Magherafelt Primary School, 32 Castledawson Road, Magherafelt, Co Londonderry, BT45 6PA Telephone: 028 79632822